Streamline your writing.

Write with AI, and everyone.

Query over Search, powered by Everyone

Gain Insights from Anyone,

including Yourself

Just a query and you can fork the greatest knowledge shared by anyone on Grimo, into your own workspace.

All you need is curiosity.

Import using a simple link

Learn from Anywhere

From YouTube, Podcast & X to AI Apps, intaking information from various sources is never easy.

Grimo makes the difference. No plugins or any account info. The world is in your hand, just one link away.

Less is More

Anything -> Essence

ā€œDistill your notes down to their essence" by Tiago Forte is a core concept of Grimo, a place built for insights.

We help you

To Empower Everyone.

Start organizing your knowledge effortlessly with Grimo AI

  • Grimo Basic

    For the Curious

    • Unlimited Storage
    • 5 points/day
  • Grimo Pro

    For the Unstatiable

    • Grimo Basic
    • + 20 points/day
    • + File Upload / Export
    • + Profit Sharing
  • Grimo Creator

    For the Creative

    • Grimo Pro
    • + Description
    • + External Link
    • + Profit Sharing Plus

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